Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Week 2: 100 Lines

 Chichen Itza  

  There are many things in the world that are considered art; these things are objects or people that are identified as art potential. When something has art potential, it is recognized by the viewer, and if it is astonishing or interesting, then it will attract other. When the work of art is known well enough, it becomes a famous art piece; thus, it is brought to the attention of many who will judge whether or not it is as interesting as many say. When the art piece becomes world-known, it becomes a part of global recognition, and if there is no other art like it in the world, it may be called a world wonder. This creation is the temple of Chichen Itza, but was this the first product of this image. Well, of course not, there were other stages that made this brilliant piece of art.

        At first, it was a hand drawing created by the use of simple lines descending diagonally from a focus point. These lines continued to flow away from each other but still keeping a parallel position. Then, the lines began to break apart simultaneously, from simple straight lines into 3/4 views of a 2-dimensional square. It is here where the outermost of the temple is represented by the rough and step-like structure. In the center, the use of straight lines create the stairs or walk path through line perspective to show that the stairs and the whole temple, is gradually increasing from bottom to top. There are usages of the three points: craft, composition, and concept.

1.     Craft
a.     The use of digital tools such as crayons, markers, charcoal, etc. used in software.
2.     Composition
a.     The technique for strokes and brushings such as pulse strokes and small cross-hatching.
3.     Concept
a.     The use of thought to identify the most realistic way to create an image that looks ancient through charcoal brushes.

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