Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Week 5: Word PIC

      The craft of this piece is that is was made in Adobe Indesign. The tools used to make it were among the pen tool, rectangle marquee, the paint brush, text tool, gradient tool, and more. The steps for this to be crated was to make three layers. Layer one was for the background, layer two was for the image, and layer three was for the text. Altogether, these steps help create this word picture.

The composition of this piece is that the eyes should be directed to the hieroglyph of the kemeite man. The idea around the entire hieroglyph is that he is delivering spirits unto the country. It is the duty of the men of the country to pray for abundance and victory for the country so that war and survival will follow the years to come in Egypt.
The concept of this piece is that even though there is no true trace of the real egyptains, the world can learn from theri culture that we as people in our respective countries should pray and seek God for the protection and goodness of the country and even the world.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Week 6: Best Infographics

               The integration of strong graphics (large central image, topography, color/theme) visual data (charts, graphs, and color codium) and information (stats, dates, sales, and analysis) all are fundamentals for infographics.

Geographic Infographic # 1: Burger Chain
Geographic Infographic # 2: 
World Wide  Social Class Rate

Geographic Infographic # 3: Most Livable

The infographic above was probably made using a professional and private program run by a company. In the program, it allowed the creator to construct a blank canvas. From there, the use of tools such as pens, brushed, formula creators, shapes, and more are needed to demonstrate statistics and images. There is also the use of text and changes in fonts to make reading easy and isolate things by important using italics, bold, and more.

         This infographic was made to appeal to the sight of the audience and to inform them about major cities and how they are the most livable. The pie charts show the percentage of people living in the city. The Red text cover tell the viewer the most livable city that is most important. The last thing is the green text cover that show nearby cities that could be a candidate.
         When viewing this infographic, the audience has to pay most importantly to the cities defined in red and the blue outlined percentages. The real purpose of this infographic is to inform the audience on the most livable cities. This infographic is trying to say that the cities Melbourne, Vancouver, and Helsinki are the livable with Melbourne being the first.